Jasmine Guy Jasmine Guy - Can't Believe

Cant believe there is girls
Who always say something unkind
I cant believe what they do that they think is cool
I wish i knew what to say when they do something to me i dont like
I cant believe what is happing
I dont understand how they do it
I cant beleive the girls always play around silly with the boys

I cant believe that you are the only one who sees me amzing
I cant find anything that is what i realy need
I cant believe the girls i know love themself
I cant believe it
I cant believe they'd turn around making fun of me just cause i'm alot better then them
I dont know why ? i dont know why ?

Oh oh oh i cant believe the years are going so fast
Soon i'll be in a whole knew diffrences
I cant believe i'm finding who iam
Cant believe no more
Cant believe what other people believe
I think its so silly cant believe no more cant believe you